The Secularization Movement (poem)

Pelaez at the chapter cites canon law and Trent,
chasing the trail of an argument
through tomes and memorials to a faraway throne:
The Church in these islands⁠—a Church of our own.

At his parish, Gomes hurries to his Mass
like a student, a scholar eternally in class.
He turns to his townsfolk, his people, and sees
a purpose, a mission, his certainties.

Burgos is in his study, buried in books,
awake and too mindful of all the looks
cast his way from the shadows, and what they say:
Burgos is going to get his someday.

Tracing the breviary’s worn page,
Gomes sighs: a tiredness more than age
deep in his bones, he offers, looking up to the stars,
a holiness from ledgers and boxes of cigars.


Looooong description with historical context and stuff on DeviantArt 😀

Be careful out there! 🙂
